Plates & Play - Italian Plates Edition

Barcelona. Carrer de Vallhonrat, 16, Barcelona - Mapa ikusi
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Plates & Play: Italian Plates Edition

Looking for a fun and social way to meet new people? Plates & Play: Italian Plates Edition brings together authentic Italian flavors, wine, and interactive games for a relaxed, lively evening designed for effortless connections.

Enjoy a delightful spread of classic Italian dishes, three glasses of wine, and a mix of social games to keep the energy flowing. No sit-down dinner—just plenty to enjoy at your own pace while mingling and playing.

Date: March 28th

Venue: Fedra Barcelona (Carrer de Vallhonrat, 16, Sants-Montjuïc, 08004 Barcelona)

Time: 7 - 10 PM

What's Included in Your Ticket:

Three Glasses of Wine

A Generous Spread of Italian Food

Fun Social Games

Book your ticket now

Follow us on Instagram: @thedinnersocietybarcelona

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